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create-and-use-openpgp-keys.org (3808B)

      1#+TITLE: Create and Use OpenPGP Keys
      2#+AUTHOR: Dash Eclipse
      3#+DATE: [2020-06-30 Tue]
      4#+KEYWORDS: openpgp, pgp, gnupg, gpg, subkey
      5#+DESCRIPTION: How do I generate OpenPGP keys and use it
      6#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
      8In this article I'm gonna explain how do I generate and use OpenPGP keys.
     10* Install GnuPG
     11  :PROPERTIES:
     12  :ID:       22D75389-43AB-49A4-B998-B48AF2365397
     13  :PUBDATE:  <2020-07-02 Thu 21:30>
     14  :END:
     15  On macOS you can use brew to install GnuPG ~brew install gnupg~, you will also need ~pinentry-mac~ package if you are going to use it with GUI programs such like Thunderbird with Eng
     17* OpenPGP key generation
     18  :PROPERTIES:
     19  :ID:       890C9B02-7790-4FAC-80B7-E36F5B3058D0
     20  :PUBDATE:  <2020-07-02 Thu 21:30>
     21  :END:
     22  Beside ~gpg --full-generate-key~, you can also create a key with gpg in batch mode[fn:1].
     23  #+BEGIN_SRC sh
     24    cat >first-last.txt <<EOF
     25    %echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key
     26    Key-Type: RSA
     27    Key-Length: 4096
     28    Key-Usage: cert
     29    #Subkey-Type: RSA
     30    #Subkey-Length: 4096
     31    Name-Real: First Last
     32    #Name-Comment:
     33    Name-Email: user@domain.tld
     34    Expire-Date: 30y
     35    Passphrase: password
     36    %commit
     37    %echo done
     38    EOF
     39  #+END_SRC
     40  Create a key in an ephemeral home directory
     41  #+BEGIN_SRC sh
     42    mkdir -m700 .gnupg
     43    ## Set the environment variable
     44    ## or pass --homedir .gnupg as an argument
     45    export GNUPGHOME=".gnupg"
     46    gpg --batch --generate-key first-last.txt
     47  #+END_SRC
     49* Use subkeys
     50  :PROPERTIES:
     51  :ID:       E5DD933D-DF29-4D17-A703-4306E7F28349
     52  :PUBDATE:  <2020-07-02 Thu 21:30>
     53  :END:
     54  I use encryption and signing subkeys instead of just use one key for everything, because it's safer when you keep your master key elsewhere and use different keys for different purposes. Debian also recommend to use subkeys.[fn:2]
     55  #+BEGIN_SRC sh
     56    ## adduid, (trust, 5,) save
     57    gpg --edit-key user@domain.tld
     58    ## Get keygrip
     59    gpg --with-keygrip --list-key <key-id>
     60    ## Export and Import the key to the GPG homedir
     61    ## where you are gonna use the key,
     62    ## remove the master key from there
     63    ## and change the password
     64    rm .gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/<keygrip>.key
     65    gpg --edit-key <key-id> passwd
     66  #+END_SRC
     67** Thunderbird and Enigmail
     68   I use Thunderbird with Enigmail to send and receive PGP encrypted emails, you can follow [[https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/how-use-pgp-mac-os-x][the guide by EFF SSD]] to set it up. Note you need to install ~pinentry-mac~ the package to use GPG with such GUI programs.
     69   #+BEGIN_SRC sh
     70     brew install pinentry-mac
     71     echo 'pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac' > ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
     72   #+END_SRC
     73** Git
     74   #+BEGIN_SRC sh
     75     git config --global gpg.program $(which gpg)
     76     git config --global user.name 'First Last'
     77     git config --global user.email 'user@domain.tld'
     78     git config --global user.signingkey <signing_subkey_id>
     79     git config --global commit.gpgsign true
     80   #+END_SRC
     81   In case you don't want to sign commits for specific repo, just run ~git config commit.gpgsign false~ in the repo directory.
     82** pass (the standard unix password manager)
     83   I use [[https://www.passwordstore.org/][pass]] to manage my passwords, with a different key. pass store passwords in a git repo, you can also store the ~$GNUPGHOME~ in a git repo or just in the same repo.
     84   I have some config like this in my zsh config ~~/.zshrc.local~
     85   #+BEGIN_SRC sh
     86     PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="$HOME/passwordstore"
     87     alias pass="GNUPGHOME=\"$HOME/passwordstore/.gnupg\" PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=\"$HOME/passwordstore\" pass"
     88   #+END_SRC
     89* Footnotes
     91[fn:1] [[https://www.gnupg.org/documentation//manuals/gnupg/Unattended-GPG-key-generation.html][4.5.4 Unattended key generation | The GNU Privacy Guard Manual]]
     92[fn:2] [[https://wiki.debian.org/Subkeys][Subkeys | Debian Wiki]]