
Void Source Packages
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purge_distfiles.sh (2300B)

      1# Scan srcpkgs/*/template for hashes and distfiles to determine
      2# obsolete sources/by_sha256 files and their corresponding
      3# sources/<pkgname>-<version> files that can be purged
      6purge_distfiles() {
      7	readonly HASHLEN=64
      8	if [ -z "$XBPS_SRCDISTDIR" ]; then
      9		msg_error "The variable \$XBPS_SRCDISTDIR is not set."
     10		exit 1
     11	fi
     12	#
     13	# Scan all templates for their current distfiles and checksums (hashes)
     14	#
     15	declare -A my_hashes
     16	templates=($(find srcpkgs -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "srcpkgs/%f/template\n"))
     17	max=${#templates[@]}
     18	cur=0
     19	if [ -z "$max" ]; then
     20		msg_error "No srcpkgs/*/template files found. Wrong working directory?"
     21		exit 1
     22	fi
     23	percent=-1
     24	for template in ${templates[@]}; do
     25		pkg=${template#*/}
     26		pkg=${pkg%/*}
     27		if [ ! -L "srcpkgs/$pkg" ]; then
     28			checksum="$(grep -Ehrow [0-9a-f]{$HASHLEN} ${template}|sort|uniq|tr '\n' ' ')"
     29			read -a _my_hashes <<< ${checksum}
     30			i=0
     31			while [ -n "${_my_hashes[$i]}" ]; do
     32				hash="${_my_hashes[$i]}"
     33				[ -z "${my_hashes[$hash]}" ] && my_hashes[$hash]=$template
     34				i=$((i + 1))
     35			done
     36		fi
     37		cur=$((cur + 1))
     38		pnew=$((100 * cur / max))
     39		if [ $pnew -ne $percent ]; then
     40			percent=$pnew
     41			printf "\rScanning templates  : %3d%% (%d/%d)" $percent $cur $max
     42		fi
     43	done
     44	echo
     45	echo "Number of hashes    : ${#my_hashes[@]}"
     47	#
     48	# Collect inodes of all distfiles in $XBPS_SRCDISTDIR
     49	#
     50	declare -A inodes
     51	distfiles=($XBPS_SRCDISTDIR/*/*)
     52	max=${#distfiles[@]}
     53	if [ -z "$max" ]; then
     54		msg_error "No distfiles files found in '$XBPS_SRCDISTDIR'"
     55		exit 1
     56	fi
     57	cur=0
     58	percent=-1
     59	for distfile in ${distfiles[@]}; do
     60		inode=$(stat "$distfile" --printf "%i")
     61		if [ -z "${inodes[$inode]}" ]; then
     62			inodes[$inode]="$distfile"
     63		else
     64			inodes[$inode]+="|$distfile"
     65		fi
     66		cur=$((cur + 1))
     67		pnew=$((100 * cur / max))
     68		if [ $pnew -ne $percent ]; then
     69			percent=$pnew
     70			printf "\rCollecting inodes   : %3d%% (%d/%d)" $percent $cur $max
     71		fi
     72	done
     73	echo
     75	hashes=($XBPS_SRCDISTDIR/by_sha256/*)
     76	for file in ${hashes[@]}; do
     77		hash_distfile=${file##*/}
     78		hash=${hash_distfile:0:$HASHLEN}
     79		[ -n "${my_hashes[$hash]}" ] && continue
     80		inode=$(stat "$file" --printf "%i")
     81		echo "Obsolete $hash (inode: $inode)"
     82		( IFS="|"; for f in ${inodes[$inode]}; do rm -vf "$f"; rmdir "${f%/*}" 2>/dev/null; done )
     83	done
     84	echo "Done."