[ezup.dev] / repo / voidlinux / [current] / info.html

Dash Eclipse's Void Linux Repository

Dash Eclipse's Void Linux packages collection

stagit: https://ezup.dev/git/void-packages/
git clone git://ezup.dev/void-packages.git

How to Use

1. Copy the main repository configuration file to /etc/xbps.d

   # cp /usr/share/xbps.d/00-repository-main.conf /etc/xbps.d/

2. To get packages which only includes in this repository,
   add this repository after your main one

   # aarch64 aarch64-musl armv7l armv7l-musl x86_64 x86_64-musl

3. Synchronize repositories, install packages you need

   # xbps-install -S [PKG...]

WARNING: You can replace a package from your main repository with the one
which has the same name from this repository by insert this repository at the
beginning of your repository configuration, but you will risking some of other
packages also be replaced. I would recommend you to check related package
template, build it by yourself and optionally self-host your own repository.


├── 2bwm                     0.3      -   2
├── ScreenRotator            0.1      -   2
├── ansifilter               2.17     -   1
├── bash-insulter            0.1      -   3
├── bpm-tools                0.3      -   2
├── cwwav                    0.4.1    -   2
├── dwm                      6.2      -  13
├── filebrowser              2.9.0    -   1
├── font-cascadia-code-otf   2009.22  -   2
├── font-cascadia-code-ttf   2009.22  -   2
├── font-jetbrains-mono-ttf  2.002    -   2
├── font-kiwi-otb            0.1      -   3
├── go.rice                  1.0.0    -   1
├── oggfwd                   0.2      -   3
├── ps_mem                   3.13     -   1
├── python3-ps_mem           3.13     -   1
├── rig                      1.11     -   3
├── slock                    1.4      -   6
├── st                       0.8.4    -   5
├── st-terminfo              0.8.4    -   5
├── stagit                   0.9.4    -   6
├── trojan                   1.16.0   -   8
├── wakapi                   1.27.0   -   2
├── wakatime-cli             1.0.0    -   1
├── wakatime_exporter        0.1.0    -   1
└── zsh-insulter             0.1      -   3

26 packages - 2021-05-14T18:31:59Z